Nebraska School Nurses Association

Call for the next NSNA Treasurer!

Posted over 4 years ago by Megan Lytle MBA, MSN, RN

Dear active NSNA members:
We have a wonderful leadership position coming open on the NSNA Board of Directors.  The Treasurer's position will be open in December 2019.
We are looking for a candidate who is willing to work with our current treasurer, Paulette Kuhlman of LPS in assuming these duties.  Paulette has been an exceptional treasurer and a dedicated school nurse. This position is an opportunity to develop and hone leadership skills in the professional practice area of School Nursing.
The following is the description of the Treasurers position from our NSNA Operating Guidelines:
The Treasurer shall:
  1. Keep full and correct account of receipts and disbursements in the books of NSNA.
  2. Dispose of funds of NSNA as may be ordered by the President, Executive Committee, and/or Board of Directors.
  3. Attend all meetings of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Annual Meeting.
  4. Perform other such duties as may be assigned by the President, Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
  5. Prepare records for the annual audit.  Meet with the audit committee.
  6. Submit annual IRS form 990-N, exempt organization.
Paulette has served in this role and will be an excellent mentor. This role is a two-year commitment and the remaining time on this position currently is 18 months (starting Jan 2020).
If interested and/or if you would like more information - please contact or send your resume with a brief statement regarding your interest to: Catherine S. Heck, RN, BSN, MA; President - Nebraska School Nurses Association. Catherine can be reached at Resumes are respectfully requested to be sent by Oct. 31st, 2019.

Your NSNA board appreciates each and every one of you - and would like to encourage interested school nurses to step forward in the advancement of our practice by serving in this role. Thank you for your consideration!
with warm regards -

Catherine S. Heck, RN, BSN, MA

Assistant Supervisor of Health Services

President - Nebraska School Nurses Association