Nebraska School Nurses Association

Update LB 1086 The hearing for LB 1086 will be held tomorrow at 9 am in room 1525 - Education Committee. This bill is the first on the docket.

Posted about 8 years ago by Tonja Frank

January 31, 2016
Re: LB 1086: Change provisions relating to student self-management of asthma or anaphylaxis
Senator Kate Sullivan
Chairperson, Education Committee
Nebraska Legislature

Dear Senator Sullivan and Education Committee Members,

I am the Legislative Chairperson of the Nebraska School Nurses Association and am writing on behalf of our organization in support of LB 1086. The Nebraska School Nurses Associations is committed to maintaining, promoting and advancing the quality health services and health education throughout the state.
LB1086 helps Nebraska families and students by expanding the language to allow for health care professionals that prescribed the treatment for the student's condition. The current language of the self-management regulations are very limiting and creates frustrating situations for both Nebraska families and School Nurses as many student's primary care health care providers for the treatment of asthma and allergies are Nurse Practitioners.

In the school district that I work approximately 9% students have a diagnosis of asthma.  3% of those students have self-management documents on file. While approximately 2% of students have severe allergies/anaphylaxis. Approximately 5% of those students carry their own epi-pen and a have an anaphylaxis plan on file. It becomes aggravating to families when they have done everything correctly to prepare their student's plan for management of their chronic health condition and the school nurse asks them to return to their provider's office only to seek a signature of a physician that may not have even ever seen their student for the self-management documentation. LB 1086 would change this situation for families.

LB1086 helps improve the plan of care for students in Nebraska with asthma and anaphylaxis. The Nebraska School Nurses Association reiterates our support for the bill.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Wendy Rau, RN, BSN, BA
Past President Nebraska School Nurses Association
Legislative Committee Chairperson